The Considerate Momma - Rage Free Parenting
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Educate your child on Healthy behaviors

KIDS Calm Down Corner 8.5x11 inches


This unique 7-page Calm Down Corner Kit provides the necessary building blocks of emotional intelligence in the same way numbers, shapes and letters teach children to read, write and do complex math.

With The Considerate Momma’s Calm Down Kits, your children will learn to:

✅ Easily identify & communicate their emotions
✅ Clearly convey what they need (not just what they want)
✅ Pinpoint the zones of their nervous system & calm their body with a unique calm down tool 
✅ Choose a healthy behavior to replace unwanted behaviors

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ADD TO ORDER FOR $7:: The 90-minute Discipline Without Rage Master Class will teach you effective, rage-free discipline techniques, ensuring a calm and connected relationship with your child

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